Wensheng Guo, PhD
Professor of Biostatistics
Dr. Guo joined the biostatistics faculty at the University of Pennsylvania in 1998, and was promoted to Professor of Biostatistics in 2010. He was elected as ASA fellow in 2010. His research interest is broad, including functional data analysis, time series analysis and joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data. He is also interested in developing statistical methodology motivated by challenging real applications. His methodological research has been supported by several R01 grants from NIH.
He is currently supported by these R01s:
Semi-Parametric Subgroup Analysis for Longitudinal Data with Applications to Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of Chronic Pelvic Pain (MAPP) Study
Early detection, containment, and management of COVID-19 in dialysis facilities using multi-modal data sources
Dynamic Longitudinal Functional Models with Applications to the CRIC Study
Dr. Guo currently has two postdoctoral fellowships available on functional data analysis. The postdocs will develop methodology motivated by real clinical problems and apply these methods to large clinical datasets. Strong theoretical training and computing skills are required. Send CV and three letters to wguo@upenn.edu if interested.
Methodology Specialties
High dimensional data, functional data, longitudinal data, time series, nonparametric methods